My name is Ayano ifeoluwa. I live in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. I joined this trendy club,Naija Peers through my best friend who was already a member and it has been quite amazing and educative.I used to have this personal belief that keeping fit was meant for overweight folks because I have a small stature, so it didn't interest me at all.Since I became a member of the club, I realised that exercise is not meant for those who are overweight alone, but it's good for all. I understand the benefits of exercising and that was how I started exercising every day with my mum. I also experienced neck, waist and leg pains probably because as a fashion designer I always spend half of my day on a manual sewing machine. My mum also complained of waist pains and found it difficult to bend and pick anything. But since we started exercising, we both feel relieved and we aren't planning to stop anytime soon. This motivation is traced back to joining the Naija Peers club.Further, one of the activities in the club that I and other group members always look forward to is the morning weekend jogging. It makes me feel good, it reduces stress and it also prevents so many diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, depression, and so many other ailments.Outside physical fitness activities,  the club has helped me to adjust my diet. Since I became a member of the club, i've learnt how to improve on my food intake. I eat right and don't need to be hungry before I have breakfast, which is a very important meal of the day.I now take lots of fruits and vegetables, drink at least 5 litres of water every day and i make sure I eat a good balanced diet.I have made friends with different youth in the club and they have improved my lifestyle in so many ways. We interact, talk about our daily activities, challenges at work, tasks given to us in the club, and other enjoyable activities.Naija Peers is an educative and interesting club open to new members where they will  learn a lot of things pertaining to their health and careers.Club members share positive reviews on how group discussions and activities has helped improve  their lives.I hope to see the club grow larger in the near future..